How to start almost anything

At the start of anything new, there are always more unknowns than knowns.

Unfortunately, our brains loathe both uncertainty and starting new things. And the more matrixed, complex, & transformation-y the work, the more we resist starting.

To get things off the ground, we need to invent a little certainty.

The best way to do that is simply — and by building a PLAN IN 3’s:

  • 3 work-streams (make them up if needed)
  • 3 tangible deliverables per work stream (so the work feels real)
  • 3 people per work-stream
  • 3 governance milestones
  • 3 time perspectives: Next 3 weeks, Next 3 months, Next 3 years

Will this be enough?

Nope. But it’s enough for now.

And it’s way more than we had yesterday.

Even better, the simple structure makes everyone feel better. When we feel better, we THINK better. If you’re a Certified Expert, however, you might be suspicious of the simplicity. But it doesn’t replace agile process, CX design, or program management. (Although it helps focus all tools.)

This structure is a Ninja move because, frankly, we need help. We need smart people and nimble minds to fill in the gaps. And now we’ve made it easier for everyone to think.