MurphyMerton Leadership Coaching

Strategies for work.

One on One

I work with people One-on-One by referral and request.

People fine me for a few reasons:

    • Something new (maybe bigger) feels just out of reach
    • Navigating politics at work (in the matrix) is starting to get to you
    • Work has become tedious and overwhelming — at the same time
    • The NEXT STEP feels fuzzy
    • Work feels like a drag

We borrow from everything to make work feel a little more manageable. Sometimes we dig into things that will actually move your work and projects forward.  Sometimes we just look for Ninja moves to help you feel better about work.

The approach is part collaboration, part thought-partnership, a little coaching. A few laughs. (Definitely a few laughs.)

If you’re just browsing, check out articles on this site.

If you’re still curious, Contact Carolyn.

3 Working Sessions is often enough to unblock and make work a little easier.

What people are saying

“Working with Carolyn for only a few months has completely transformed the way that I work and the opportunity that’s in front of me. Because of our work together, I’ve already seen a tremendous impact in opportunities both personally and professionally. I’m excited every day about my work.”

“Throughout the coaching process I felt like I was able to make improvement in areas where I have struggled my entire career. I learned tools to help me clear mental blocks and determine my action steps, so that while I was advancing my stated goals, I also felt like I was developing the skills for new goals in the future. As a result, I feel like my thinking is more organized and I have greater confidence as a leader.”

“I was overwhelmed by the scope of a massive software development project. In just a few hours of Coaching, I had a clear picture how to get the project done. I felt so relieved. In a day, I built a 90-day plan, knew who to assign to which teams, developed budgets, and was able to confidently communicate all of this with executive and project teams.”

“You’ve given me so many tools and frameworks. I often find myself relying on what I learned from you.”

“In the 10 days after Coaching, I was able to re-build my entire website with minimal expense, using tools and tons of content I already had. The process really helped me to focus – and avoid the traps that had prevented me from tackling this daunting project.”

Work differently.